There are so many instances that can mentally disconnect you from your vagina; assault, disease, surgery, menopause, etc. What better way to reconnect than to learn ways to love your vagina. Loving your vagina is a great way to honor and express your femininity.
Take Care of Your Vagina
Make sure to keep your vagina clean. Some doctors recommend just using warm water and your hand. Using body washes or douches with dyes, fragrance, or surfactants wash off natural oils and can cause irritation. They also remove the good bacteria that maintain a healthy pH. If you choose to use soap, use an unscented soap.
Moisturize & Lubricate
Vaginal dryness can be a common problem for pre-menopausal women with low levels of estrogen, such as breastfeeding mothers, those who have had a hysterectomy and those who have received chemotherapy. You can moisturize using creams found at a drug store or prescribed by your doctor, coconut oil, or some doctors also recommend vaseline. During intercourse or the use of toys, using a lubricant can prevent pain and tearing and also add to the sensation. Be careful when using oil based moisturizers and lubricants, as they can break down latex condoms. Also, make sure to drink your recommended amount of water. Hydrating your body, includes your vagina.
Play Date
Schedule a play date with yourself and making time for masturbation. Orgasms keep your vagina healthy by promoting healthy estrogen levels to keep your vaginal tissue supple. Orgasms also improve circulation to organs in the pelvic cavity, delivering nutrients, growing healthy tissues, and regulating your menstrual cycle.
Healthy Diet
Maintaining a healthy diet is important to your vaginal health. Eat those fruits and veggies and stay away from sugar as often as you can. Also, incorporate prebiotic and probiotic cultures, and foods that promote a healthy blood flow. (More on diet in another love note).
Get to Know Your Vagina
Have you ever looked at your vagina? Do you know it’s anatomy? Take a mirror, and get to know what your vagina looks like. This is an area that a lot of women ignore. Vaginas are all unique in color, shape, and size. Make your vagina your best friend.
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